The mystery Georges Léon Rispal
We know very little about the creator of Rispal.
The son of wine merchants, he was born in Paris in 1901. In 1924, he founded his company in the 11th arrondissement of the capital, at 172, rue de Charonne. Its activity ceased in 1982.
The workshop and the showroom were then destroyed to make room for a real estate program. During this operation, all plans, manufacturing documents and other tools disappeared, and with it, all the craftmanship of Rispal.
In short, the know-how of the company Rispal.
From classicism to avant-gardism
Rispal productions were extremely varied and of a classical style.
However, in the early 1950s, a particularly avant-garde collection was launched and named: “Formes Nouvelles”. The models were largely inspired by Scandinavian design but also, it is said , by artist Jean Arp’s.
Learn more about: rispal.com